2nd Grade - Lesson 6 : Cool and Warm Colors
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Description of Project
Students use cool and warm colors to give information about time and place.
Washington Masterworks
Photos courtesy of the Frye Art Museum.
Instructional Video
Learning Standards
Visual Art
- 1.1.a Brainstorm collaborating multiple approaches to an art or design problem.
- 2.1.a Experiment with various materials and tools to explores personal interests in a work of art or design.
- 7.1.a Perceive and describe the aesthetic characteristics of one’s natural world and constructed environments.
- 7.2.a Categorize images based on expressive properties.
- 9.a Use learned art vocabulary to express preferences about the art-work.
- 10.a Create works of art about events in home, school, or community life.
Common Core ELA
- 2.SL.4. Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent conversations.
- 2.RL.7. Use information gained from the illustrations and words in print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.