2nd Grade - Lesson 9 : Rhythm and Repetition
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Description of Project
Students repeat art elements in a central image and in a border to create rhythm in works of art.
Washington Masterworks
Photos courtesy of Washington State Arts Commission and Steve Gardner.
Instructional Video
Learning Standards
Visual Art
- 1.1.a Brainstorm collaboratively multiple approaches to an art or design problem.
- 1.2.a Mark art or design with various materials and tools to explored personal interests, questions, and curiosity.
- 2.1.a Experiment with various materials and tools to explore personal interests in a work of art or design.
- 2.2.a Demonstrate safe procedures for using and cleaning art tools, equipment, and studio spaces.
- 2.3.a Repurpose objects to make something new.
- 3.a Refine and complete artistic work.
- 8.a Interpret art by identifying the mood suggested by a work of art and describing relevant subject matter and characteristics of form.
Common Core ELA
- 2.SL.2 Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.
- 2.RL.4. Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song.